RE Newsletter - July 2024 RE Newsletter - Jul RE Newsletter - Jul;

Religious, Personal and Social Development


Religious, Personal and Social Development

We serve diverse populations of pupils and within this context the aims of Religious Education are:

  • To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith
  • To enable pupils continually to deepen their understanding and be able to communicate this effectively
  • To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them
  • To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum
  • To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture
  • ...

Children of other faiths and none are warmly welcomed and nurtured as part of our school learning community. Attendance and respect at acts of collective worship is expected of all members of the school community. It supports the school’s ethos in action.

We believe that learning about other faiths and cultures is essential for children to have a better understanding of their own faith and culture. It is also fundamental to encouraging tolerance and respect, vital British values to which St Patrick’s adheres in its teaching and actions.

The Come and See programme of Religious Education integrates the teaching of other faiths, and allows for learning with progression across the year groups. All children study different aspects of other religions each year ensuring a good accumulative knowledge by the time they leave primary school. Teachers carefully plan into the curriculum regular visits to places of worship of other faiths.


Lent is a movable feast, occurring between February and April. Lent lasts a period of forty days, echoing the period of time Jesus spent in the desert preparing for his public ministry. During Lent, Christians devote more time to prayer, charity, and sacrifice as they prepare for the greatest feast in the Church year, Easter – when Jesus rose from the dead. This interactive calendar highlights each Sunday’s Gospel reading and invites children and adults to reflect on Jesus’ words and actions.

Visit Website

Journey in Love Letter to Parents


Corpus Christi Letter to Parents



The Wednesday Word

Download Sharing Sunday's Gospel with Parents and Families


Tuesday Mass at St. Patrick’s Church starts at 9.30 am. Readings will be done by the older class while the younger class is responsible for bidding prayers. KS1 may need to ask some parents to accompany them.

25/04/23 4P and 2Q
2/05/23 Year 5 – cancelled due to strike day – if this changes I will inform all.
9/05/23 4N and 2F
16/05/23 Year 3 – 3R and 3B
23/05/23 6J and 1M
HALF-TERM 29th May – 2nd June
6/06/23 No Mass this week as not enough time to prepare children after half term
13/06/23 Year 5 – 5F and 5J
20/06/23 6M and 1C
27/06/23 4P and 2Q
4/07/23 4N and 2F
11/07/23 Year 3 – 3R and 3B
19/07/23 Summer Holidays

What is the Liturgical Calendar?


The Liturgical Calendar begins every year during the month of November on the First Sunday of Advent and runs through to the Solemnity of Christ the King.

The "Lectionary," the Mass readings from the Holy Bible, follows a Sunday cycle and a weekday cycle. The Liturgical Calendar follows a three-year cycle, each year being represented by the letters, A, B, and C. During the year A cycle, the Gospel of Matthew is the primary Gospel that is used for the readings. In year B, Mark is the primary Gospel. In year C, Luke is the primary Gospel. The Gospel of John is proclaimed on particular Sundays in each of the years.

In each cycle of the Liturgical Calendar, you will find six Seasons:

  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Lent
  • Triduum
  • Easter
  • Ordinary Time
  During the year, in addition to the Sunday worship, the Church also celebrates Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials, which may be on any day of the week. These occur during the year to commemorate special events or persons that are highly revered by the Catholic Church. 

Come and See


RSE - Relationships and Sex Education


Looking Forward



Download 40 Ways to Foster Prayer in your Home

Download KS1 Prayers

Download KS2 Prayers

Download School Prayers

Download Prayers for Staff, Students and Families

Download Prayers from Pope Francis for the Month of May


Contact us

1 Longfield Avenue
E17 7DP
Tel: 0208 509 4321

Download Prospectus